Sabtu, 28 April 2012

Patrick Dempsey pulls teen from totaled car

Patrick Dempsey pulls teen from totaled car

No, it wasn't a dream after all.

It seems McDreamy, a k a Patrick Dempsey, came to the rescue last Tuesday afternoon of a teenage boy whose car had flipped several times -- into, TMZ reports, the Grey's Anatomy star's Malibu front yard. Apparently, the Mustang was totaled, but a crowbar-wielding Dempsey -- a passionate car-racing fan, by the way -- was able to pry the driver free. The boy got just a concussion -- but also, clearly, a great story.

Hollywood is heaping huzzahs on its latest hero. "True Story: Grey's Anatomy actor Patrick Dempsey pulled my friend's son out of ove rturned car after bad accident on Tuesday. #GoodDude" tweeted Shawn Ryan, The Shield's creator, on Friday.

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