Sabtu, 30 Juni 2012

Alec Baldwin tweets Emily Dickinson

Alec Baldwin tweets Emily Dickinson

Is this a first for Twitter? Alec Baldwin, set to be wed Saturday in downtown New York, sent out a series of tweets a few hours before quoting one of Emily Dickinson's poems about love and death.

Baldwin is marrying his fiance, yoga instructor Hilaria Thomas, in St. Patrick's Old Cathedral downtown around 7 pm Saturday.

Earlier, Baldwin sent out four tweets containing a couple of lines from the Dickinson poem that starts "Twas a long parting , but the time For interview had come." It goes on, mentioning God in judgment," fleshless lovers," heaven and paradise, cherubim and seraphim - i.e., the usual murky ecstacies of the 19th-century poet, considered one of America's greatest.

Oddly, the "Belle of Amherst's" peculiar style of punctuation and syntax kind of works in a 140-character format. The best reaction c ame from comedian Andy Borowitz, who tweeted, "Alec, I don't want to freak you out but Emily Dickinson has hacked your Twitter account."

Anyway, poetry was a positive shift for the hot-headed Baldwin, who only a few weeks ago was in yet another smackdown with a paparazzo, this one from the New York Daily News, when he and Thomas went to pick up their license at the city Marriage License Bureau.

The photographer has filed an assault complaint. Baldwin charged in a tweet that the pap almost hit him in the face with a camera. Baldwin thinks some paparazzi should be waterboarded.

The pre-wedding celebrations have included Baldwin's 16-year-old daughter, Ireland, who looks just like her gorgeous mother, actress Kim Basinger, Baldwin's first wife. Naturally, Twitter fiend Baldwin tweeted a photo of himself, Ireland and his brother, Billy Baldwin. All that drama about the nasty phone message Baldwin once left for Ireland? So over.

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