Kamis, 05 Juli 2012

Chatting With… Keane!

Chatting With… Keane!

Happy post-Fourth of July lovely people!

And WHAT a jubilant juicy delight we have for y'all today that we're oh so KEEN (tee hee) to share it with you!

We may currently be enjoying London Town, but before we hopped across the pond we were SO lucky to partake in an intimate chinwag with one of our favorite genre-spanning, British bands, Keane!

Tom Chaplin (vocals) and Tim Rice-Oxley (piano, etc.) discuss typical British sandwich fare, the bonds of band brotherhood, their latest album Strangeland, and their love of the Americana, diner experience among MANY other riveting revelations.

We even got the name of their Keane fandom, and it's pretty STRANGE…


Check out the full Keane kiki (above) and peruse some interview highlights …AFTER THE JUMP!!

Perez: Hey Everybody! It's Perez joined by Keane, and I'm very ecited because I'm in the middle of a British sandwich, and I'm about to go to… wait, is there a typically British sandwich? Is there such a thing?

Tom: Tim will know the answer to this, I don't know why but…

Tim: Well, you know, people always talk about cucumber sandwhiches don't they?

Perez: I always love getting cheese sandwiches when I go to London, at the airport. Cheese and minced onions. And mayonnaise. I love those!

Perez: I think it might have been 2003, maybe, or 2004, I think I was at your first ever concert in Los Angeles, actually I don't even think it was a concert, I think technically it was a showcase at the Viper Room?

Tom: Yeah, we were talking about that last night. It was at the Viper Room. There were about five people there.

Perez: No!! There were more than five people there… that was nine years ago? A lot has happened in nine years! You guys are still together, you haven't broken up! What keeps you guys working together as a band?

Tom: Well we're very old friends, we're like a big old family really. We grew up in the same little town, have known each other for a very long time, so it's just you know, it's just easier to stay together ha!

Perez: Does Keane have a name for their fans? It seems everybody has a name for their fans.

Tim: Someone was telling me the other day, they've christened themselves 'Strangers' which is quite nice, the new album's called Strangeland, so…

Perez: But if they're strangers together, they're not strangers!

Tim: There is a certain romance in that. You have to stretch your imagination a bit.

Perez: Emphasis on the STRANGE, maybe. I like that!

Perez: So, you're on tour promoting the new album, you're in America right now. How much longer is the tour going on for?

Tom: About two days!

Perez: The tour's over! The tour just ended! How long were you in America for?

Tom: We've been here for a few weeks, we did a few weeks in the UK, a few weeks here… and we'll be back.

Perez: In the fall? Another tour?

Tim: In September, and next year.

Perez: Is there anything you love doing when you come to America?

Tim: Oh, loads of things. I like the sun for a start. The problem is, you end up going, every day you wake up, you think 'I deserve to go to a Diner for breakfast this morning' just like we did 24 hours ago, and you have bacon and eggs and waffles…

Perez: Not very healthy!

Tim: No. It's nice though, and and there's milkshakes that's just a pint of ice cream…

Perez: You can be very healthy in Los Angeles, though.

Tim: You can…

Perez: The new trend in LA is these juicing thingies. Have you been to the juiceries?

Tom: Not yet.

Perez: Haha, me neither, but it's the trend here!!

Perez: I'm sure there's a lot of British people watching right now, because it's the energy! I'm going there, they're watching…

Perez: Now over the course of your multiple albums, you guys have sonically explored different sounds, it's kind of hard to pigeon-hole you necessarily, into one thing, do you think that's been a good thing, or maybe it's been challenging for people who like to label bands?

Tom: We like to challenge those people, ’cause they're just annoying… but I think when the first record came out everyone just lumped us in with Coldplay and Travis and a certain sound…

Perez: Travis? Are they even still around? Did they break up? Are they dead?

Perez: Is there anything that you guys are listening to, that we should all know that you love right now? I love British musicians, I'm obsessed with this new one, maybe you've heard of her, her name is Lianne La Havas. It's a mouthful, but she's amazing

Tom: I have not heard of her.

Perez: Well her album's not out yet, it comes out next month.

Tom: That's very ahead of the curve.

Perez: She's really cool. I was obsessed for a while with Ed Sheeran, too, he's so talented.

Tom:Yep we've met him, back at south by southwest. He seems like a nice guy.

Perez: He is! Very young. And I love that he did it on his own terms, he started releasing all these albums independently and then all of a sudden he's like… pretty big!

Tom: If only we had the foresight…

Perez: Well thanks for coming over! And I think you might send us something too…

Tom: Yea, our keyboard didn't turn up, so we'll send you something from our side.

Perez: But you showed up, and I appreciate that.

Tom: Thanks for having us.

Perez:Thank you, Keane. Bye!!

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