Rabu, 04 Juli 2012

Katie Holmes and Suri stepping out in NYC

Katie Holmes and Suri stepping out in NYC

Katie Holmes and daughter Suri, 6, are not hiding out in their new apartment now that her divorce from movie star Tom Cruise is underway, but they're not chatting much either.

New York's Daily News tabloid spotted the two in a Whole Foods Wednesday morning, Suri in the shopping cart as her smiling mom went down the aisle looking for July 4th goodies: Ground beef, hamburger rolls, strawberries and bananas.

"I'm alright, thank you," she said when the reporter asked. She flashed a grin, then picked up a new sun hat. Suri grabbed it to mug for her mom. They were accompanied by a security guard.

As they left, Suri gave her m other a big hug.

The evening before, they ventured into the East Village to sample ice cream at Sundaes and Cones. Both looked relaxed, casual and happy, as Suri sat on her mother's lap to slurp her ice cream. How do we know? Because they were spotted and snapped by the paparazzi who track them everywhere.

Some things aren't going to change now that Tom/Kat are divorcing.

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