Rabu, 04 Juli 2012

Russell Simmons Applauds Frank Ocean's Courage!

Russell Simmons Applauds Frank Ocean's Courage!

Why make this video? For several reasons!

Perez has been making a shirtless 4th of July video annually since 2008. It's a way to hold ourselves accountable. We said we were going to work towards being healthier and more fit, and this was a great way to "lay it all out there".

Also, having a goal and something to work towards is a great motivator!

We also hope that by sharing our journey, we might inspire some of you to work on your fitness as well and lead a healthier life. If we can do it, you can too! You just need to believe! And DO IT!

Plus, documenting our body every 4th of July is also a great way to see progress, how much we've changed from year to year.

And we sure have changed a lot just these past seven months - both physically and spiritually!

We have seen a DIRECT CORRELATION between our health and our happiness! The healthier we've become = the happier we've become!

This has been a year of intense change, growth, challenges, fun and more! And we're still in the process of "figuring it all out"!

We think we will always be in the process of "figuring it all out"! That's life! It's a journey! It's constantly changing. Embrace that change!

Believe in your dreams. Believe in yourself!

Much love to you all!

Happy 4th!!!!!!!!


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