Rabu, 30 Mei 2012

Baby Boy Sings Anti-Gay Song For Cheering Church Crowd

Baby Boy Sings Anti-Gay Song For Cheering Church Crowd

The power is slowly slipping from those who use hatred, terror, and intimidation as means to control others…

But when we see a teeny child spouting ignorant remarks - obviously fed to him by some ignorant adult - we are reminded there are still MANY unfortunate humans who are manipulated into believing whatever someone tells them, as long as it’s under the umbrella of ‘religion’.

The disturbing video (above) depicts a young boy at the Apostolic Truth Tabernacle Church in Greensburg, Ind singing “ain’t no homos gonna make it to heaven,” to an extremely enthusiastic, cheering crowd. It has now gone viral, and has been re-posted.

Ain't no homos… so technically the double negative means all homosexuals are going heaven? AWESOME!

But you know what? Heaven is here, on Earth. We’ve already made it!

And we pity all those who live their lives, ignoring the beauty that surrounds them, waiting for something beyond death…

What a waste of so much joyous, human potential!

Hopefully this boy grows up to learn there are MANY heavenly things in this world, and that words written long ago by uninformed persons are not the end all be all of life!

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