Selasa, 29 Mei 2012

'Bachelorette' Emily: Child is no 'compromise'

'Bachelorette' Emily: Child is no 'compromise'

What did Emily Maynard have up her sleeve for her "boys" on Week 3 of The Bachelorette?

Climbing a wall, dancing to country stars Luke Bryan and Dolly Parton (on separate dates), having her "boys" get grilled by her best friends, kicking two men to the curb and passing out roses.

Date No. 1: Chris

Last week, Emily made Ryan bake cookies and deliver them to a soccer game at the start of his date. This week's episode started with Emily making Chris, the 25-year-old corporate sales director from Bartlett, Ill., scale the wall of a building in downtown Charlotte before he got dinner with her.

"She looks unbelievable in a harness," he notes. So he suffers through it.

A storm comes, with thunder roaring nearby. A crowd starts to gather below. But, whew, our star and her date make it.

"I wanted to give her a kiss, but I high-fived instead," says Chris, regretting that he didn't go for the smooch.

At dinner on a breezy rooftop (tough on the hair), Emily admits that she probably wouldn't talk to him if she met him outside the show. What?!

"You're very cute, and I don't think I'd have the guts to talk to you," she explains coyly.

Chris is smitten. "Emily is absolutely gorgeous. She is perfect, head to toe," he confesses. "And then that accent comes out, and I'm absolutely floored."

But Emily, 26, is surprised to hear he is only 25. "I'm a man!" he says, to reassure her that he's ready to fall in love and be a husband and father.

"I definitely like Chris," she confesses. He gets a rose. And then they head to their own private concert by country cutie Luke Bryan. They dance, and Chris finally gets his kiss.

Group date time: Emily asks most of the guys to meet her in the park and play a little football. Everything's going fine until she says she'll be right back. The guys wonder what's up. She goes around a bend and meets up with four girlfriends. "Y'all are going to meet my boys -- the guys on the date today." She urges them to play detective and find out who's right for her and who'll be a good dad to her daughter, Ricki, 6.

"Boys, these are my best friends," she tells the guys. "They are all moms, and they are here to grill you. I want them to see if you are worthy of bein' my husband!"

The friends make the guys dance, do pushups -- shirtless, in the case of Sean -- and admit to whether they'd ever cheated on girlfriends. Then Emily blows a whistle, summoning a pack of kids to come play to test the guys' abilities to handle themselves on a playground.

Ryan, a 31-year-old sports trainer from Augusta, Ga., t akes a break to crash the girl talk, and that talk turns to weight. "No," it wouldn't be OK if Emily got fat after they got married, he says. "I would have a problem with you if you got lazy and let that happen. I'd still love you, I just wouldn't love on you that much."

Doesn't go over well with Emily.

The four friends liked Sean, 28, an insurance agent from Dallas, and Doug, a 33-year-old real estate agent from Seattle, the best.

As the group date continues over cocktails, Sean explains to Emily that he's "selective." He wants a long-lasting marriage, like his parents have. Doug tells Emily about his tragic family life, including his sweet, nice dad, who had epilepsy. He married "not a good person," who ended up leaving. Then dad got sick and died one night, leaving Doug and his sister to go in and out of foster homes. Emily wipes away tears. "I'm so impressed by you."

Tony, 31, the single dad lumber trader from Beaverton, Ore., is missing his son "every minute." He's wondering: "Should I be here?"


He shares his anxiety with Emily, bringing himself to tears. She pats him on the back. "It breaks my heart to see him so upset," she says. Later, Tony is at it again, crying by a brick wall after talking to his son on the phone. Emily finds him and pats him on the back again. She explains that she's not really feeling it with him and doesn't want to keep him around any longer if it isn't love. "I want you to be with your son," she says, and calls a cab for him. He hops in, smiling. One more guy gone.

Sean gets the group date rose.

Kalon, last week's villain, was not invited on the group date, and he's getting antsy.

D ate No. 2: Arie

Race-car driver Arie, 30, from Scottsdale, Ariz., gets the second one-on-one date. They hop in a jet and fly to Pigeon Forge, Tenn., to the Dollywood amusement park. Yee-haw.

"For me, this is the happiest place on Earth," says Emily. They roam around and head into the theater where Dolly performs. Up sneaks Dolly. "Well, hello there," she says. Emily freaks out. "Ohmygod." Emily confesses, "I could have died right there."

While Dolly sings a special song about love, Emily and Arie dance. She pulls Emily over for a little "girl talk." She says she believes in love. "I've been with my husband -- together 47 years, married 45 years." She tells viewers that Emily "has such a warm little heart, I can tell ... I do know that there is such a thing as love everlasting. And I really hope she finds it. I'm sure she will."

Later, Emily and Arie have a quiet dinner together in a barnlike setting. Arie says he once dated a girl with two ki ds. When the relationship ended, it was "super-tough," because they were living together and he had really bonded with her young children. He asks why she broke up with Brad. She says, "I don't think Brad was quite as ready for marriage and kids as he thought he was."

Arie asks if she could handle the busy schedule that a race-car driver has. "I would welcome it," she says. She picks up the rose and says, "You're so great, but ..." and then she tries to toy with him for a while. He begins to look nervous.

She asks him if he'll take the rose. "Scared me to death," he says, smiling.

The two seem to really have hit it off. "I can't believe the connection we built today. I can imagine myself one day getting down on one knee," says Arie. They kiss on the carousel. "I never thought in a million years I would have the feelings that I have this early," confesses Emily. "I thought from Day 1 that Arie reminds me a lot of my daughter's dad, Ricky. That's really cool because that's like my best relationship I've ever had in my life. ... Guys like Arie are really, really hard to find."

Cocktail party time: Emily, in a glittering gold gown, takes Kalon for some one-on-one time. From the start, it's bordering on snippy/awkward/weird. He's wearing glasses. She tries to talk to him about that, but he goes on and on about not having a one-on-one date and how "devastating" it is to share her.

Then she asks him how he feels about her being a mom. He says, "I always believed my first child would be one of my own." She tries to challenge him on it, and then he says, "I love it when you talk, but I wish you would let me finish." Ouch!

"I do like tall, skinny and funny. But I don't like tall, skinny and condescending," says Emily.

Travis, 30, the advertising sales rep from Madison, Wis., takes Emily outside and says he is going to take the advice of her friends and get rid of the egg named Shelly that he's been carrying since the first night. They stand up, and he offers to let her toss it. "How about smash it? I feel terrible," says Emily, just before she sends it crashing onto the walkway in front of the stairs. Ew.

Next, in a chat with much-in-need-of-a-haircut Alessandro, the 30-year-old grain merchant from Brazil, it comes out that he doesn't have a lot of experience with kids. But he says he's willing to make the "compromise." But Emily sees it as an "honor" to be Ricki's dad.

Insists Alessandro: "I see it as a compromise. That what's marriage is about."

Update:  What we didn't see Alessandro do

Says Emily, "Anybody I'm going to spend the rest of my life with is going to see that as the biggest bonus ever." She ushers him out the door and into a car. See ya!

She runs off to Arie. He gives her hug and they kiss. "Thank you," she whispers. Hot!

Next, we see Sean making a case for what a great dad he would be to Ricki. "I feel like you have such a kind heart," she tells him, and they kiss. Another contender!

Rose ceremony time. Three already have roses: Arie, Sean and Chris. Ten more are handed out: Jef, Charlie, Doug, Michael, Travis, Alejandro, Ryan, John, Kalon (!) and Nate.

Sent packing: Stevie. "It sucks and it hurts," he says as he walks out.

Next week, the bikinis come out as the date action moves to Bermuda.

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