Selasa, 01 Mei 2012

Chris Hemsworth Admits Avengers Only Assembled Because Of Downey Jr.

Chris Hemsworth Admits Avengers Only Assembled Because Of Downey Jr.

Robert Downey Jr Scarlett Johansson The Avengers Chris Hemsworth Chris Evans Jeremy Renner Gwyneth Paltrow, Mark Ruffalo, Samuel L Jackson, Joss Whedon Film Flickers Good Morning America

The Avengers hasn’t even opened in the States yet and it has ALREADY raked in almost $200 million overseas.

Are you kidding us??

If somehow the rock you’ve been living under doesn’t have wireless internet, you need to check out the most recent trailer.

The cast is terrific, the action looks phenomenal, and Joss Whedon’s script and direction appear spectacular. This movie is set to own the Summer of 2012.

That’s why we’re SHOCKED to hear that this pinnacle of superhero pics almost never was…

According to Chris “The Hammer” Hemsworth, it never would have been possible if it weren’t for Robert Downey Jr. and the success of his Iron Man films.

There was a time not too long ago when Hollywood execs weren’t sure whether people would pay big bucks to watch stars fight crime in colorful tights.

Hemsworth says RDJ is the guy responsible for making the genre safe for investors. He spoke to Good Morning America on Monday:

"If he hadn't done so well with those Iron Man movies, I don't think [Avengers] would have happened… [Robert Downey Jr. is] kind of the father of this group."

And what a group we’ve got!

In addition to Hemsworth and RDJ, The Avengers are Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow, Chris Evans as Captain America, Mark Ruffalo as The Hulk, Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye, Gwyneth Paltrow as Pepper Potts, and Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury.

And those are just the good guys!!

If RDJ really did father dozens of children across America this motley cast of superheroes, we’re curious â€" what kind of Dad is he?

Hemsworth had only good things to say:

"He came to the set with such a positive attitude and has such a great demeanor… We all kind of fell in line as a result of his disposition. He's just an amazing guy and he made it a really family atmosphere right away."

Well thanks for making it all happen, Dad Mr. Downey Jr.

If you’re the reason audiences will get to watch ScarJo kick butt all summer long in a black spandex onesie then we are forever in your debt.

Do U plan on watching Avengers opening night?? If so, U better purchase those tickets now.

[Image via WENN.]

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